“The Red and the Black” – Season 5 Ep. 14

The Red and the Black - Episode 111. There is some terrifying imagery in this episode that I wanted to capture in this poster. I also wanted to encapsulate the meaning of the title which comes from the novel of the same name by Stendhal. In the book, the title refers to the tension between secular and religious interests in early 19th century French culture - here I portray it as the fire wielding rebel aliens against the alien colonists with their black oil. 

Krycek: You must be losing it, Mulder. I could beat you with one hand.

Mulder: Isn’t that how you like to beat yourself? If those are my last words I can do better.

Written by: Chris Carter & Frank Spotnitz
Directed by: Chris Carter
Original Air Date: March 8th, 1998
Principal Setting: Washington D.C. 
Episode Summary:

*Note – I apologize for the lack of blog posts. Life has been hectic, but I hope to get back on track and have at least one blog out daily.

Scully survives the mass killing but has no memory of what might have happened. She agrees to undergo regression hypnosis and recalls what happened, including that Cassandra Spender was re-abducted. Agent Spender refuses to believe anything to do with his mother’s abduction stories. The conspirators now realize that there is a war among the aliens and that the alien resistance fighters would make formidable allies. The Well-Manicured Man also reveals that, courtesy of Krycek, they may now have a vaccine against the black oil. It doesn’t appear to work as promised however.

Personal Commentary:

I’m liking that Scully is becoming more open to believing in the existence of aliens, but I don’t like how Mulder has become so cynical of not believing anymore and thiinking it’s all been a fabrication. A lot of the conspiracies are due to the government cover up, but I would just like tot see him giving Scully the same benefit of the doubt that she has given him the last 5 years.

Episode Grade: B-
Favorite Scene:
Fun Facts:
  • The Title of this episode is taken from a song title by Blue Oyster Cult from the album Tyranny & Mutation. Ironically, BOC has written a few songs about aliens and the Men in Black
Faces You May Recognize:

Same people as last episode so no one new that stands out.

One comment

  1. Andrea · November 8, 2015

    Glad to see the posts again; I have missed reading your insights! 🙂


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